Dad and Conkers

2010 September 28

Created by Emma 13 years ago
Dad, It's almost 6 months since you left us... I was reminded today that conker season is almost upon us and I have to confess that it has made me cry like a baby... You and your bloody conkers used to be the bain of my life, I only say that with the deepest of affection of course-I loved it really... You used to talk excitedly about the conkers that you were collecting in bags for Harry and Jack... Every year you used to hand over at least 2 carrier bags full of conkers: one each for Harry and Jack... Children of today just don't seem to understand the importance of conkers the way you did. I remember you inspiring Chris and I with your enthusiasm for them, and your absolute frustration when you later discovered that Chris had pinched all of the shoe laces from your work shoes to string his conkers with... Shoe laces do make great conker strings though, in fairness! Well, as maddening as I used to find your conker fetish; I am deeply saddened that this year; that you will not be enthusiastically phoning me with daily conker growth and harvest updates and chasing me for a visit dates to collect them... I miss you, my crazy conker-loving Dad, with your overgrown boyish delight at the fruits of your beloved horse chestnut trees. You loved conkers more than any grown man should and I will forever remember you when the horse chestnut trees blossom, and then drop their conkers and their green spiky husks to the ground below. I miss you so much that it hurts, but you will always be in my heart... Emma x